200 red roses bouquet
Create a magical surprise with this Luxurious Red Roses' Bouquet in the bath-tub! Perfect for hotel bedrooms, home decoration or any romantic venue for their birthday, anniversary, or any romantic occasion! Feel free to change to roses color to the preference of your choice!
Order your romantic setup arrangement & venue decoration to delivery to Dubai and UAE. For other designs or ideas, please whatsapp +971-56-6447288.
- Roses petals will stay fresh for 24 hours, after which will start to turn black and dry out.
- Access is required to premises in advance for preparation purposes. We are not held responsible for any delays in meeting event deadline in case access is not provided in advance. Some venues to not allow helium cylinders into premises which is required for large balloon quantities. Please check with security staff to help us for a smooth access and service.
- Any stands or fixtures used for decoration will be retrieved after the event and the price is not included. If stands are damaged or lost, there will be an extra fee.